Words From Our Clients
We have pleasure to confirm that SOFITRANS, Cairo, Egypt, has provided us with outstanding services as forwarders during the project of production line signed between Polysius & Amereyah Cimpor Cement Company.
We also highly appreciate the highly-qualified staff of SOFITRANS in Alexandria or in Cairo that accomplished all the local handling and transportation including the customs clearance for all import/export shipments either by Sea or Air Freight. And for all of the heavy lifts and oversized packages.
We, therefore, may recommend SOFITRANS for its excellent job to anyone interested in professional, careful and well documented forwarding services in Egypt.

We hereby certify that SOFITRANS headed by Mr. Patrick MADRIGNAC, participated fruitfully in our ABUQIR 5 THERMAL POWER PLANT EXTENSION construction further to the order of EGYPTIAN ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY (E.E.A), as our local transportation forwarder.
SOFITRANS undertook to our satisfaction, its works including, transportation and delivery at site, customs clearance formalities and operations of all cargo from September 1989 till May 1991.
The total material transported was equivalent to 1’630 TS / 5’117 CBM and heavier equipment made up of:
- One power transformer 202 T
- One power transformer 47 T
- One power transformer 30 T
Therefore, we are expressing our appreciation for the works which have been duly carried out, and are looking forward with hopes of future similar performances.

In the frame of our contract no. 78 (A) 2001 with Egyptian Electricity Transmission holding company (EETC) for the delivery of 9 Power Transformers 220/66kV 125MVA, SOFITRANS has been in charge of clearance, transportation, offloading, and skidding for the 9 transformers each 8.70 x 2.85 x 4.5m, 127 Tons.
We want to state that SOFITRANS performance during this Realization was highly professional and to our entire satisfaction.
SOFITRANS undertook to our satisfaction, its works including, transportation and delivery at site, customs clearance formalities and operations of all cargo from September 1989 till May 1991.
The total material transported was equivalent to 1’630 TS / 5’117 CBM and heavier equipment made up of:
- One power transformer 202 T
- One power transformer 47 T
- One power transformer 30 T
Therefore, we are expressing our appreciation for the works which have been duly carried out, and are looking forward with hopes of future similar performances.

We have pleasure to confirm that SOFITRANS, located in Cairo, Egypt, has provided us with outstanding services as forwarders.
In cooperation with General Transport, Basel, Switzerland, thus being the CIF Forwarders. SOFITRANS was responsible to handle, transport, and unload from trucks several hundreds of boxes of different shape, size and weight, as well as number of heavy containers at 2 different sites of erection with great care to the valuable machinery and parts.
We also highly appreciated the daily information of the current status of the individual part-shipments, regardless of working hours, weekends and the like, especially, when things did not go as planned.
In addition, SOFITRANS assisted well in the management of customs clearance between the customs authorities and the governmental organization with whom we have the delivery contracts of the factories.
We, therefore, may recommend SOFITRANS as an excellent internation Forwarder for valuable investment goods to anyone interested in professional, careful and well documented forwarding services in Egypt.

Je tiens particulièrement à vous exprimer ma satisfaction pour les services que vous m’avez rendu, pour la réalizsation des formalités de transit et le déchargement de la cargaison du navire M/S ATLAS qui a accosté dans le PORT DE DAMEITTA le 02/02/1985.
Les personnels cadres et éxécutants qui se sont occupés de ces travaux ont fait preuve d’une éfficacité et d’une conscience professionnelles irreprochables dans toutes les domaines, bien que les conditions atmosphériques et les horaires de travail (16 H/Jour) ne leur facilitaient pas la tache.
J’ai particulièrement apprécié la compétence de M. ATTIA qui m’a aidé á obtener les authorisations nécessaires pour accéder au site et monter dans le bateau.
J’ai su immédiatement prendre à son compte ces charges BIVOUAC éxigées par les militaires et les douaniers ce qui a représenté un travail important.
Veuillez agréer, Messieurs, l’expression de mes sentiments respectueux.
We want to state that SOFITRANS performance during this Realization was highly professional and to our entire satisfaction.
SOFITRANS undertook to our satisfaction, its works including, transportation and delivery at site, customs clearance formalities and operations of all cargo from September 1989 till May 1991.
The total material transported was equivalent to 1’630 TS / 5’117 CBM and heavier equipment made up of:
- One power transformer 202 T
- One power transformer 47 T
- One power transformer 30 T
Therefore, we are expressing our appreciation for the works which have been duly carried out, and are looking forward with hopes of future similar performances.
We have pleasure to confirm that SOFITRANS, Cairo-Egypt, has provided us with outstanding services a forwarders.
During the project of production line 1 signed between FL smidth and Wadi Elnile Cement Company.
SOFITRANS highly qualified personal accomplish all the local transportation including clearance for all sea and air freight shipment.
Specially for all the heavy lifts and oversized packages.
We also highly appreciated the daily information of the current status of the individual parts shipments, regardless of working hours, weekends and the like, especially, when things did not go as planned.
In addition, SOFITRANS, assisted well in the management of custom clearance between the custom authorities and governmental organization with whom we have the delivery contacts of the factories.
We, therefore, may recommend SOFITRANS as an excellent international forwarder for valuable investment goods to anyone interested in professional, careful and well documented forwarding services in Egypt.

Nous certifions la Société SOFITRANS a parfaitement réalisé la prise en charge à ALEXANDRIE, le transport et le déchargement sur le site d’ABU QIR d’un transformateur de puissance, de poids de 202 tonnes ainsi que de l’ensemble des matériels électrmécaniques fournis au titre de la cinquième tranche de la Central Thermique d’ABU QIR.
Les opérations de dédouanement, transport et déchargement sur site ont été réalisées à notre entière satisfaction et nous remercions, par la présente, Monsieur Patrick MADRIGNAC et son équipe.
Les personnels cadres et éxécutants qui se sont occupés de ces travaux ont fait preuve d’une éfficacité et d’une conscience professionnelles irreprochables dans toutes les domaines, bien que les conditions atmosphériques et les horaires de travail (16 H/Jour) ne leur facilitaient pas la tache.
J’ai particulièrement apprécié la compétence de M. ATTIA qui m’a aidé á obtener les authorisations nécessaires pour accéder au site et monter dans le bateau.
J’ai su immédiatement prendre à son compte ces charges BIVOUAC éxigées par les militaires et les douaniers ce qui a représenté un travail important.
Veuillez agréer, Messieurs, l’expression de mes sentiments respectueux.
We want to state that SOFITRANS performance during this Realization was highly professional and to our entire satisfaction.
SOFITRANS undertook to our satisfaction, its works including, transportation and delivery at site, customs clearance formalities and operations of all cargo from September 1989 till May 1991.
The total material transported was equivalent to 1’630 TS / 5’117 CBM and heavier equipment made up of:
- One power transformer 202 T
- One power transformer 47 T
- One power transformer 30 T
Therefore, we are expressing our appreciation for the works which have been duly carried out, and are looking forward with hopes of future similar performances.

Dans le cadre du projet ci-dessus référencé, nous certifions que la société SOFITRANS a effectué dans les meilleurs conditions le dédouanement et le transport local du materiel destine à CEGELEC DEI – MASSY.
Nous tenons à souligner que ces opérations se sont déroulées à notre entière satisfaction et nous remercions Mr. MADRIGNAC et son équipe pour la coopération qu’ils ont manifesté Durant le deroulement du projet.
Nous vous prions d’agréer, Messieurs l’expression de nos sincères salutations.

Nous certifions que la Société SOFITRANS a réalisé pour notre compte les opérations de manutention portuaire, de dédouanement et de transport de nos derniers contrats:
- La Cimenterie de Burg El Arab
- Les Ponts du Metro du Caire.
Dirigés par Monsieur Patrick Madrignac, les bureaux du Caire et d’Alexandrie ont démontré une très bonne aptitude à traiter les grands projects. Nous avond particulièrement apprécié:
- La connaissance parfaite de la réglementation douanière locale
- Les bons contacts avec les services publics
- Le suivi précis de chaque débarquement,
et ne pouvons que les recommander pour de futurs projects
